Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Girls just have to have girlfriends. It is an unwritten rule, I am sure. It is funny how my friend Allyson and I have known each other for so long, yet it took us having little ones of our own to become close friends. Mary McKinnon and Emma Kate are hilarious together. They see each other at school and at church and other times when we throw them together as an excuse to have some of our own "girlfriend" time. Every time they see one another, they run, squeal and hug like it has been weeks since they last saw each other. It has usually been no more than 24 hours. In an hour's span the will have 14 fights, three tantrums, 17 hugs and at least one physical altercation. In our Sunday school class, Mary McKinnon and Emma Kate are often the only little girls surrounded by all boys. The boys stare with their mouths wide open, in silence as they try to figure out the dynamic between these two. So, Saturday, we (the mommies) decided to get the girls together while we sat and had some grown-up conversation. Although we had planned to only spend the afternoon at the Dozier home, we ended up staying through dinner, and bath time and even Mikey T came and hung out for the last two hours. (Mr. Alan was busy burning some land). Six hours with these two little ones was quite an adventure. We cannot wait to do it again!!

1 comment:

aedozier said...

It was way too much fun!!! Can't wait to do it again...what are yall up to this Saturday? ;-)
I hijacked some pics too!